Monday, May 20, 2013

Pink Lemonade Watermelon Geltinis

The Gelaboratory's been firing up, or chilling out... whatever bad metaphor you want to use. After a school-time hiatus,  Gelology is ramped and ready to push the boundaries of gelatin.  For the end of the spring season Flag Flag Football party, Gelology made Pink Lemonade Geltinis and Lime Margaritas with Cretaceous Salt.  What is Cretaceous salt, you ask?  Read on and you shall learn....

The Pink Lemonade Watermelon Geltinis were made from pink lemonade, watermelon jolly rancher infused vodka,  watermelon pucker, and gelatin. I topped the logo printed gels with a milk gelatin. 

The second variety was a good ol' lime margarita with Cretaceous salt. For the past decade the term sea salt has become synonymous with gourmet or fancy salt. But it's just Sodium Chloride and some Calcium Chloride.  Nothing fancy. But rock salt,  comes from salt deposits laid down when the giant North American inland known as the Western Interior Seaway, dried up.  Dinosaur salt... pretty cool.  It's ancient, it's science, it's salt!

Congratulations to Boston's Flag Flag Football league for a successful Spring season and Rock (salt) on!

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